It is an illegal act of exaggerating or falsifying the facts of a damage or accident to an insurer or insurance company in order to have a claim that would otherwise not been made. This is a criminal offence that could result in the termination or closure of a policy.
This may take the form of medical bills that are inflated, exaggerating injuries sustained in an accident, staged accidents.
This may take the form of medical bills that are inflated, exaggerating injuries sustained in an accident, staged accidents.
I was a victim of fraud in auto insurance. I've been a loyal payer to them and then suddenly they disappear with my money together with my co workers. I hope anyone that reads this post will share to avoid fraud insurance company.
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The matter that you provide is worth our time and energy.
Good job...Keep it up
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Also do own due diligent and pick the most reliable insurance company like Costco and you will minimize your risk of getting fraud.
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